Vermont Physicians
1 min readFeb 26, 2021

Community member’s response to public television station video discussing Vermont’s Cannabis Shop Ballot question:

“Dumont’s legal explanation that “it is too soon” to consider pot shops makes clear that once in those retailers etc are in they are there to stay forever. Science on harm is clear and is only getting stronger and it may not take long for community & health harms to become more widely known. This law works to favor the cannabis interests over community interests. So at least WAIT until the cannabis laws better protect communities. Also fix local zoning to protect vulnerable populations before considering letting commercial cannabis in.

Antley’s medical perspective plus the clarity that out-state profiteers will be the winners through addiction for profit is strong and persuasive. Good reminder for other pot states of the back to the basics marijuana prevention messaging.

Sanderson’s community perspective around confusion about the law, and the true targeting of youth and vulnerable populations for addiction for profit is persuasive.

Lasting impression:

If Vermont prides itself on nature and health, corporate commercial cannabis seems particularly ill-suited for Burlington. Pot shops extract wealth and health making more people unwell over time while taking profits out of the community and the state. Makes no sense. Vote NO.

Vermont Physicians

Physicians, Families & Friends, Education Fund: a 501c4, physician-led group seeking to educate on the science of cannabis, including public health risks.