Vermont Physicians
1 min readFeb 16, 2021

Physicians, Families & Friends, Education Fund (PO Box 4521, Burlington, Vermont 05406–4521) is a 501c4, PO Box 4521, Burlington, Vermont 05406–4521a physician-led group of concerned medical professionals seeking to educate on the science of cannabis, including the public health risks and harms of the drug.

We also educate on healthy communities and the science of effective prevention.

We helped organize and lead a 10 member Vermont team to Iceland to learn about their effective science based prevention program. We have organized and presented several Vermont town hall discussions with invited respected local and out of state medical doctors, University of Vermont psychiatrists, pain medicine specialists, prevention and addiction professionals. We are a volunteer, grass roots, non partisan organization. We do not accept funding from the cannabis industry, the opioid industry, the tobacco industry or the pharmacological industry “big pharma” . Please find below links to videos of some of our educational and public town hall events.

If you would like to become a member or volunteer, please write to us at: Physicians Families and Friends, Education Fund, PO Box 4521, Burlington, Vermont 05406–4521 Thank you!

Vermont Physicians

Physicians, Families & Friends, Education Fund: a 501c4, physician-led group seeking to educate on the science of cannabis, including public health risks.