Vermont Physicians
2 min readMar 12, 2021

(Contact Physicians, Families & Friends, Ed. Fund, at PO Box 4521, Burlington, Vermont 05406–4521)

Vermont Cannabis Commercialization Law Act 164 allows communities to go at their own pace and decide if they want to regulate placement of pot shops near schools and day cares by passing zoning laws before shops receive a state license.

However now a new Bill S. 25 would undermine or take that LOCAL CONTROL away.

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Last October, the VT legislature passed Act 164 allowing commercial growing, sales, and advertising of cannabis in VT starting 10/2022. Currently, Vermonters are allowed to grow and consume limited amounts of cannabis in their homes — in October 2022 it can be sold and advertised in communities.

Through Act 164 towns have the option to vote on whether to “Opt-In” and allow retail cannabis to be sold in their area. Towns can also choose not to vote and by default not allow sales in their town.

Most towns are waiting to hold a town vote until after regulations from the new VT Cannabis Control Board (still being formed) are announced to allow time to update zoning and ordinances and consider the impact for their area.

Senate bill S.25 would force cities and towns to hold a vote on an arbitrary timeline, before many have had time to consider important adjustments or zoning to protect youth and young adults from predatory marketing and promotion of cannabis in their area.

Cannabis use has been increasing in states with commercial sales. Youth and young adults whose brains are still developing are most at risk. Prevention and caring community supports work best when LOCAL communities are in charge of their own destinies.

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Support local control. Call your Representatives and tell them to slow down on this bill & let towns have the time to make SMART choices! #Peoplebeforeprofits

Vermont elected officials’ contact information:

Vermont Physicians

Physicians, Families & Friends, Education Fund: a 501c4, physician-led group seeking to educate on the science of cannabis, including public health risks.